Saturday 16 May 2020


Today, it's more about hair. Today is our first time of haircut in the whole lockdown period. It was exciting and my brother was the first person to go for it. 

He is obsessed with storybooks

His hairstyle was more of like a clean-mushroom hairstyle.😂 It turned out soooooooo... cute. And of course credit goes tooo.... drum roll please...... MOMMY!!! You could say that she isn't really good at haircuts but it turned out fine. So clap clap clap clap clap.... 

Next of course is me! 

I'm sorry for showing you guys the back of my hair as I did not take the front picture :(
But anyways, this is the before of my haircut 💇🏻‍♀️

 I cut my hair for about 1 inch long 😂
I wanted to keep my long hair so I told my mom... "Mommy, one inch only ahhh..." 
And so I was satisfied 🌝

And so if you all need a haircut, don't worry, just ask your mom... 😂😂😂 That's all for today! Thank you so much for reading and if you guys had a haircut during lockdown, remember to tell me what hairstyle did you choose in the comment section down below. 

Thank you!

Love from, 
Mikela :) 

Friday 15 May 2020


I'm not sure whether I can say whether today has been a fun day or not because I have been studying a lot, so meh... Do you study at home diligently? Like super duper focus or getting distracted all the time?

What do you think helps you to focus more? Listening to music or talking? Watching YouTube or having fruits at the same time? For me, it is most probably listening to music especially K-pop songs because they are my favourite type of music. Yes. BTS! BTS! BTS! Is indeed my favourite band of music. Guess why? It's because I think that their music is very motivating and buttt..... my mom does not agree on me listening to music while studying because she says that it's going to distract you instead of being focused so half of the time I don't get to listen to any music :( That's all for today I guess. I hope you can tell me what helps you study too, so that I may learn from you all! :)

Love from,
Mikela :)

Thursday 14 May 2020

Guess what's for dinner? :P

So today's dinner took some preparation. Hmmmmm... Sounds like a lot of hard work right?But guess what?? It took us less then 15 minutes to cook. For our delicious dinner.... We had.... char bee hoon!!! (Stir-fried noodles in hokkien.)

Ingredients that we needed
to prepare for dinner :)

Yum yum! Guess what is my favourite ingredient? Nah don't worry... I'll tell you... It's the........... mushrooms. 😋 

The next thing that we did, is to fry the garlic and onions together. Fry and fry and fry and fry till it becomes wangi (fragrant in Malay)... Ahhh smells so gooood...

I'm sure you saw the amount of vegetables in the first picture on top. Yes. It is indeed a lot a lot a lot for many people. But it's not the same for me and family because my mom always say that we should be eating the right amount of vegetables and so here it is.... the right amount of veggies.... haih.... 

So after all of complaining of too much veggies in our noodles.... I finally agreed on the fact that it was actually not too much...😅😅😅 after it have been stirred and cooked it doesn't look to much so I gave in... Ahaha you all must be thinking "whaaat an ungrateful child... Haiyaya... So much food and veggies to eat, yet still complain. Kepiang! (sound effect of face balm).... " 

And so, there it is.... My delicious plate of char bee hoon 😋

And so if you think that the plate of char bee hoon on top looks good and you are interested in making it, do check out the link below for the recipe!

P.S. I did some changes to my meal such as using mustard leaves instead of using beansprouts and so on... But anyways, happy trying! 

Love from, 
Mikela :)


Day 1: Starting to blog!

Hi everyone! So as you can tell, this is my first ultimate post in! I am so excited to start posting here. So I hope that you all can support me through reading my blogs and commenting! I will try to post as frequent as possible as now it's the lockdown period so I should be having lots of time.... so stay tuned! 

See you soon!   

Love from,
Mikela :)


Today, it's more about hair. Today is our first time of haircut in the whole lockdown period. It was exciting and my brother was the fir...