Friday 15 May 2020


I'm not sure whether I can say whether today has been a fun day or not because I have been studying a lot, so meh... Do you study at home diligently? Like super duper focus or getting distracted all the time?

What do you think helps you to focus more? Listening to music or talking? Watching YouTube or having fruits at the same time? For me, it is most probably listening to music especially K-pop songs because they are my favourite type of music. Yes. BTS! BTS! BTS! Is indeed my favourite band of music. Guess why? It's because I think that their music is very motivating and buttt..... my mom does not agree on me listening to music while studying because she says that it's going to distract you instead of being focused so half of the time I don't get to listen to any music :( That's all for today I guess. I hope you can tell me what helps you study too, so that I may learn from you all! :)

Love from,
Mikela :)

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